Thursday, April 16, 2009

Getting Political

We've been trying to have a family night every Monday. Mine are very modest: a verse of scripture, a song, and a story, and I usually don't come up with it until Monday afternoon, which I figure is a good idea because if I spend lots of time doing it, I would feel bad that my mom and I are the only ones participating come Monday night.

So, I was particularly grateful when Asher's teacher sent home a flyer about a little political project we could do. We traced our hands and wrote a note on them for Govenor Brewer about our concerns about cuts to public education.

If you're a fellow Arizonan, here's more info:


Kate said...

What a great idea!

Christy said...

Love it!! Perhaps I'll do it with my class! I am going to share this with the whole school!

Alisa said...

I love how you and Nate say similar things, from different sides. Great activity!

laurie said...

Good family activity! I agree, cuts are needed, but not in education, sheesh!