Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fashion advice from Grandpa

Asher and his Grandpa Starr are buddies. So, it's no wonder that Asher has been taking fashion cues from Starr ever since they had the same sandals a couple years ago. When Asher noticed that Grandpa often wore socks with his, Asher knew it was a trend to be followed because Grandpa is so cool.

A few weeks ago, Asher had been enjoying an old pair of my sunglasses, so I got him some sunglasses in his size. He has taken to wearing both pairs on his face because that's how Grandpa does it. (Starr wears glasses and often uses a pair of sunglasses that flip over regular glasses.)
Note: Starr looks much more dignified and stylish than Asher when he wears his two glasses.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So THAT'S where I got my own "socks with sandals" habit !