Monday, September 27, 2010

Nate and Luke's Profound Star Wars discussion

Nate: Thor, it is against the jedi code to attack dad with a light saber while he is in the shower.

Luke: Dad, you da evil empire.

Scenes from a Marriage: Pregnancy #3

Emily: (whispering during Sacrament meeting) See that woman? Her due date is 3 weeks ahead of me and she looks like she's 12 weeks behind me.
Nate: Yeah, I guess that's what age will do to you.

Note: Husbands and future husbands, this was not the correct response, even if the woman I'm talking about is 10 years younger and having her first baby.

Should I Be Worried?

This is a picture Asher drew of a blue shirt. But, it looks more like someone shooting a gun (and this didn't scan, but there' s blood or bullets or something falling out of the gun).
Then, there was this conversation:
Asher: Mom, can two people get married?
Mom: Yes.
Asher: Could more people get married?
Mom: Um, not really.
Asher: Well, like maybe 3 people?
Mom: Probably not. Who do you want to marry?
Asher: I was thinking Mary (his best friend), Evan (his cousin) and I could all get married.
I'm going to take it as a good sign that Asher has decided that marriage consists of getting to be with your most favorite people.